MSO IGNOU Solved Assignments Available 2023-24 Hindi and English Medium Available

MSO(Master Of Arts In Sociology)
MSO IGNOU Solved Assignments Available for Session 2023-24
First Year and Second Year Both Available in Hindi and English Medium
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MSO-001: Sociological Theories and Concepts

Course Code: MSO-001

Assignment Code: MSO-001/AST/TMA/2023-24

Answer any five questions selecting at least two from each of the sections. Your answers should be in about 500 words each.



1.Discuss the role of Concept and Theory in sociological analysis. 

2.Explain the perspective of Evans-Pritchard on social structure.   

3.Examine the distinction between Marxian and Weberian ideologies.        

4.Discuss Malinowski’s Scientific Theory of Culture.           

5.Explain the concept of social reality in the context of symbolic universe. 


6.Distinguish between modernization and modernity.           

7.Discuss the elements of caste in gender stratification.      

8.Explain the roles and functions of civil society in a democracy.   

9.Explain the major perspectives to understand social stratification.

10.What is post-structuralism? Examine Derrida’s theory of deconstruction.          

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MSO-002: Research Methodologies and Methods

Course Code : MSO-002

Assignment Code: MSO-002/AST/TMA/2023-24

Answer questions from both the sections.


Section –A

Answer any two of the following questions

1.Discuss the merits and limitation of field research.

2.What do you understand by participatory research? Explain with the help of suitable examples.

3.Critically examine the relevance of quantitative methods of date analysis in socio logical research.      

4.Explain case study as a method of social research.          

5.Discuss the role of ethics in sociological research.


Write a research report on any one of the following topics in about 3000 words.

1.Education and social mobility in India.        

2.Indian youth and the social media. 

3.Street vendors and Indian society. 

You can write this report based either on review of literature, or data collected from the primary sources.

For review of literature you are to select either two books or four research articles published recently on the selected topic of your choice. Write a review article focusing on the location of the study, methodology followed and the main findings of these studies.

For the primary source you are to collect two case studies and write a report on the selected topic in a comparative framework. While writing the report spell out clearly the objectives and the problems of the study and

•problematise the issue within the existing/available literature,

•elaborate your observations, finding and conclusion coherently, and

•make proper referencing at the end.

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MSO-003: Sociology of Development

Course Code : MSO-003

Assignment Code: MSO-003/AST/TMA/2023-24

Answer any five questions selecting at least two from each of the sections. Your answers should be in about 500 words each.   

Section -I

1.What  is  Development?  Discuss  the  social  and  human  dimensions  of development.           

2.What  is Green Peace Movement?  Discuss  its relevance  in contemporary world.       

3.Explain  in detail the concept of ethno-development and  its relevance  in India's developmental strategy.        

4.Discuss the impacts of large dams on the economic, social and ecological aspects of the society?       

5.What  is knowledge/Information Society? Analyze the role of the role of  knowledge and ICTs in empowering communities. 



6.Discuss in detail the emergence and growth of people science movement.         

7.Explain in detail the role of State on population control.     

8.What do you understand by 'human development’? How does it differ from economic development.    

9.Describe dependency theory and delineate its salient features.    

10.Discuss the role of civil society for the empowerment of the marginalized sections of the society.       

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MSO-004: Sociology in India

Course Code: MSO-004

Assignment Code: MSO-004/AST/TMA/2023-24

Answer any five question selecting at least two from each Section. Your answer should be in about 500 words each.



1.Describe the heritage of social thought in India which led to the emergence of sociology.          

2.Discuss with suitable examples the major research on villages in India.   

3.Define the concept of caste and discuss the Brahminic perspective on caste in   India with suitable examples. 

4.Explain  with examples  the  forces  of social and  technological changes  that impact the kinship institution in India.  

5.Describe the changing values and life-style amongst the middle class woman.   


6.What are the major agrarian classes in India? Discuss with reference to the contributions of different Sociologists.           

7.Discuss  the  relationship  between  tribe  and  caste  in  India  with  suitable examples.  

8.Discuss critically the concepts of caste, class and gender in India.          

9.How does the  rural and  urban societies change during a social or  natural disaster like an epidemic or earthquake. Discuss critically.           

10.Write short notes on any two of the following:      

a)Concept of Sanskritization

b)Globalisation and its impact

c)Define social movement.

d)Social change and Social revolution.


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MSOE-001: Sociology of Education

Course Code: MSOE-001

Assignment Code: MSOE-001/AST/TMA/2023-24

Answer any five questions selecting at least two from each Section. Your answer should be in about 500 words each.


1.Discuss the functionalist approach to the study of education.       

2.Examine the interplay of gender, socialization and education.      

3.Explain the role of education in cultural and economic reproduction.       

4.Discuss the politics of domination through educational curriculum.          

5.How does education help in nation building? Discuss.       



6.Discuss the relevance of multicultural education in contemporary society.          

7.Education is a tool for women‟s empowerment. Discuss. 

8.Examine the constitutional provisions for promotion of education in India.           

9.What  do  you  understand  by knowledge  Society ?  Describe  its  relation  to education.         

10.Discuss the major challenges encountered by Open Distance Learning (ODL)  in India.

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MSOE-002: Diaspora and Transnational Communities

Course Code: MSOE-002

Assignment Code: MSOE-002/AST/TMA/2023-24

Answer any five questions selecting at least two from each Section. Your answer should be in about 500 words each.



1.Briefly examine the nature of Chinese Diaspora.  

2.Describe the migration patterns of Indian Diaspora to Western Europe.   

3.What are the five patterns of Indian emigration?   

4.Describe the historical context of Indian emigration during colonial times.           


5.Discuss the role of Bollywood in the representation of the Indian diaspora.          

6.Write a note on the phenomena of brain drain.      

7.What do you understand by the term virtual communities.

8.Why are Indians considered a model minority in the  USA.           

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MSOE-003: Sociology of Religion

Course Code: MSOE-003

Assignment Code: MSOE-003/AST/TMA/2023-24

Answer any five questions selecting at least two from each Section. Your answer should be in about 500 words each.


1.Discuss the functional interpretation of religion.     

2.Discuss  the  role  of  religious  specialists  in  society  with reference  to  the perspective of Max Weber.         

3.Critically examine the relationship between religion and economy.          

4.Explain the concept of sacrifice with reference to Nuer society.  

5.Discuss the relationship between ascetic Protestantism and capitalism.  


6.Explain religion as a system of symbols.   

7.Explain the European concept of secularism.        

8.Compare and contrast the concepts of fundamentalism and communalism.       

9.Discuss the emergence and spread of Christianity in India.          

10.Examine the social context of the emergence of Buddhism.      


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MSOE-004: Urban Sociology

Course Code: MSOE-004

Assignment Code: MSOE-004/AST/TMA/2023-24

Answer any five question selecting at least two from each Section. Your answer should be in about 500 words each.


1.Discuss the contributions of Chicago school theorists to urban sociology.

2.Define the concept of city and discuss the major features of an industrial city.    

3.What are pre-industrial cities? Describe and discuss its features with an example.          

4.Discuss the meaning of New Urban Sociology? What does it constitute?

5.What is the nature of family in urban areas? Give examples.       

6..Analyse the different aspects of social change taking place in India? Are the villages getting urbanized in India? Discuss          


7.Describe the occupational structure in urban India. How has it changed after  economic liberalization, privatization and globalization?          

8.How does industrialisation affect the different social institutions in society ?Discuss.      

9.What is urban ecology and how does urban environment impact the lives of people living in cities? Discuss     

 10.Discuss critically the role and responsibility of media in urban governance


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India: Democracy And Development(MPS-003)

Course Code: MPS-003

Assignment Code: ASST/TMA/203-24

Answer any five questions in about 500 words each. Attempt at least two questions from each section.


1.Elaborate upon the Communist Party of India’s perspective on Independence.

2.Assess the potential for transformative change inherent in the Directive Principles of State Policy within the Indian Constitution.

3.The judiciary is the most significant institution for protecting the rights and interests of citizens. Comment.

4.Examine the circumstances and factors contributing to India’s centralisation of federal powers.

5.Write a short note on each part of the following questions in about 250 words:

a)Jurisdiction of High Courts

b)Parliamentary Sovereignty



6.What is a market economy, and analyse its benefits and drawbacks.

7.Analyse the economic consequences of liberalisation in India.

8.Elaborate on the regionalisation of Indian politics.

9.Discuss the key indicators to measure and assess sustainable development.

10.Write a short note on each part of the following questions in about 250 words:

a)Gender Equity

b)Planned Economy

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MPA-016: Decentralisation and Local Governance (TMA)

Course Code: MPA-016

Assignment Code: MPA-016/Asst/TMA/2023-24


This Assignment consists of Section – I and Section - II. There are five questions in each section. You have to answer a total of five questions in about 500 words each. It is necessary to attempt at least two questions from each section. Each question carries 20 marks.



1)Discuss the constitutional dimensions of decentralisation in India.

2)Empowerment is a major component of democratic decentralisation in India.Comment.           

3)Explain the factors that influence people‟s preferences for distribution in the context of society wide distribution of resources.      

4)Describe the impact of decentralised development .         

5)Examine the weaknesses of new Panchayati Raj system.           


6)Explain the major features of the 74th Constitutional Amendment Act.    

7)Discuss the intra-tier responsibilities in the context of the Eleventh Schedule.     

8)What are the major requirements in development planning?        

9)Highlight the issues in micro level planning.           

10)Write a note on resources of the local bodies.     

